Globalese 1.6.5 released
Globalese 1.6.5 fixes the following issues: Tokenization issues. Recasing issues. Escaped quotes were incorrectly parsed in uploaded TSV files. Differences in wordcounts between the MT analysis and the Evaluation tab. Translation errors. In some cases, the Maintenance info tab of language models, truecase models or engines was unaccessible. Skipped segments in XLIFF...
Globalese 1.6.4 released
Globalese 1.6.4 fixes the following issues: Tuning errors. Getting an error on the Maintenance info tab of models that have not been trained yet. Errors when translating with glossaries. Unknown word report errors. Wrong handling of certain special characters. Errors when translating Idiom XLF files. Recycle failed when the locale of the...
Globalese 1.6.3 released
Globalese 1.6.3 fixes the following issues: Incorrect parsing of segment statuses in XLF files generated by Idiom WorldServer. When the source segment is "0", an incorrect translation was generated.
Globalese 1.6.2 released
Globalese 1.6.2 fixes the following issues: Locked inline XLIFF entities were not translated correctly in SDLXLIFF files. Error during QE model training. Hyphens and dashes appeared in unknown word reports as standalone entries. Tokenization issue after colons in Swedish.
Globalese 1.6.1 released
Globalese 1.6.1 fixes the following issues: Some inline tag content was included in the unknown word report. Tuning errors with SDLXLIFF files. Errors during unknown word reports. The number of parallel phrase table training jobs could not be changed. Some strings did not appear correctly. Issues with automatic tuning and quality...
Globalese 1.6 released
Globalese 1.6 is out, bringing faster and better processes, changes in the UI, and an extended API.Under the hood
The unknown word report has been rewritten so instead of taking almost the same time as translating a file, it only takes a couple of seconds per...
Globalese 1.5.5 released
Globalese 1.5.5 fixes the following issue: Quality Estimation model training failed when the model used TSV files containing < or > characters.
Globalese 1.5.4 released
Globalese 1.5.4 fixes the following issues: After translating a TTX file, the MT analysis scores were incorrectly evaluated. If the training of a quality estimation model halts, its status wasn't automatically reverted.