Globalese 1.4 includes many useful new features and various fixes.
- Translation memories and term bases on memoQ servers can now be easily pulled into Globalese for training purposes.
- Translation memories and term bases in the MemSource Cloud can now be easily pulled into Globalese for training purposes.
- XTM XLF files can be translated.
Language support
- Thai language support
- Faster processing of Japanese text
Additional enhancements
- Term bases can now be uploaded in the MultiTerm MTF XML export format
- Profiles are now called engines in Globalese.
- The new Engine Wizard allows for easier engine creation for beginner users.
- Retrain/Repair option for models enables retraining even when the underlying corpora hasn’t changed (useful after upgrades).
- Visualised tuning history for engines.
- Possibility to choose tuning files from the repository (users are not required to upload them if they want to use something that is already in the repository).
- Better error handling and display.
- New checks implemented for the language pair of uploaded tuning/translation/evaluation files, to prevent the uploading of files with wrong language combinations.
Issues have been fixed concerning:
- Training
- Translating and evaluating SDLXLIFF files
- Sending back memoQ files to a memoQ server