Tag - Machine Translation

Globalese 5.1 released

What's new

The highlight of this update is the introduction of dynamic terminology lists for AI-boosted engines. This feature allows for the enhancement of engine accuracy without the need for retraining. All it takes is to add a terminology list, enabling the enforcement of important...

Machine Translation: the Right Expectations, the Right Priorities

Machine Translation today is a real productivity service. While the conclusion has been obvious looking at the performance data MT services deliver, many organizations with the right characteristics have now decided to adopt the technology to support their workflows, cut costs and save resources. Will the...

Breaking the terminology barrier in Neural Machine Translation

[lead]One challenge Neural Machine Translation technology faces today stems from the very same thing which makes it so amazing and effective. Let's see how Globalese solves the Terminology Problem with the help of AIDA.[/lead]   The end of the second act of the opera Aida in the...